Afghanistan drabbas i dessa dagar av två tragedier. Den ena är att
talibanerna - i strid mot vad de lovade för något år sedan - på nytt
har infört det brutala kvinnoförtryck som de praktiserade när de hade
makten 1996-2001. Det andra är den svältkatastrof som drabbat den
afghanska befolkningen. Det har ibland beskrivits i svensk press som om
båda dessa saker skulle vara ett direkt resultat av talibanernas
Det är inte så. Kvinnoförtrycket är förvisso ett direkt
resultat av talibanernas ultrapatriarkala ideologi. Men svältkatastrofen
är däremot ett resultat av de åtgärder som USA genomfört efter att
talibanerna tog makten. Man får intrycket att USA vill straffa - inte
talibanerna - utan hela den afghanska befolkningen, för det förnedrande
nederlag som världens största militärmakt tillfogades av en
jämförelsevis dåligt beväpnad gerillaarmé.
Den engelska tidningen "Socialist Worker" beskriver dem amerikanska svältpolitiken i denna artikel. Som jag tar mig friheten att lägga ut nedan.
US is punishing millions of people across with hunger and poverty, a
year after the Taliban forced it to end its 20 year occupation.It was a
major humiliation for the US, which had waged war in Afghanistan since
2001 supposedly to get rid of the Taliban.
Yet in the wake of its defeat, the US has spent the past year
strangling Afghanistan with economic sanctions that cause widespread
misery and suffering.
Even the establishment, mainstream
watchdog Human Rights Watch pinned a large amount of blame on the US’s
sanctions. “Since the US withdrawal and the Taliban takeover in August
2021, Afghanistan has been suffering from a worsening humanitarian
crisis,” it reports.
“Acute malnutrition is now entrenched
across the country. For nearly a year, over 90 percent of households
have not been able to get enough food.”
It adds, “Tens of thousands of
children are being admitted for emergency medical treatment for acute
malnutrition monthly. Many others in remote areas are unable to get help
and have starved to death. Over one million children under
five—especially at risk of dying when deprived of food—are suffering
from prolonged acute malnutrition, meaning that even if they survive,
they face significant health problems, including stunting.”
Human Rights Watch explains that the crisis was largely caused by the US’s decision to cut off Afghanistan’s central bank
from the global banking system. It also froze assets along with aid
that directly paid public sector workers’ salaries. That shows that—even
after the US’s retreat—ordinary people in Afghanistan are still paying
the price of US occupation.
The US invaded Afghanistan in 2001
with the aim of reasserting its military and economic dominance in the
Middle East and Central Asia. After removing the Taliban government, it
installed a corrupt, puppet regime entirely dependent on economic aid.
Rather than bringing freedom, the West’s occupying armies dealt out massacres, bombings
and other brutality to ordinary Afghan people. They killed at least a
quarter of a million Afghan people—likely many more, as the US never
bothered counting its victims.
Afghans—especially in rural
areas—remained impoverished, while the people at the top of the
government enriched themselves off aid. That’s why the Taliban was able
to resist the West’s occupation for 20 years then sweep back into
government as soon as the US admitted defeat.
Afghanistan’s new government has
proved reactionary, for instance placing restrictions on the right of
women to study and work. But the Taliban survived and thrived as a force
of resistance to the misery the West brought—and is still bringing—to
Food has become so scarce, over 90 percent of households struggle to get enough (Picture: Hand in Hand International)